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Fallout 4 Shiny Textures: How to Adjust the Glossiness of Metal Surfaces


The visual effect itself is hard for me to describe, but it seems to occur on any object in-game that has even a slightly reflective surface texture. Weirdly enough though, I haven't noticed the effect on mirrors. But glass tables, metal appliances, shiny stone steps, windows, shiny wallpapers or wooden floors - from what I can tell which exact objects the effect appears on varies. And for me, the effect first appeared on 3 CC television screens and a CC refrigerator, and nothing else. No other CC, no EA items (that I looked at). More recently, the effect suddenly appeared on EVERYTHING that had a slightly reflective or shiny surface, as described above. The effect can vary in its pattern, but for me it's most often a pattern of dots, as you'll see in my pictures below. However, on some objects, it appears as densely packed lines (this is how it appeared on the one CC refrigerator when I first noticed the glitch). Apparently, both of these effects are forms of artifacting, according to the Apple rep who looked at the effect in my game. Out of curiosity he checked his own game on his 2019 iMac desktop, and he gets the same exact effect on TV screens in his game. The one other person I spoke to who has seen this effect in their game on wallpapers. The visual effect shifts as you move your camera around, zoom in and out, etc.

Yeah - I'd been talking with a few different Apple support reps over the last week about the issue, and this last one that I got connected with happened to be a pretty avid gamer. I showed him the graphics issue in a screenshot and he recognized that it was TS4 and asked me to pull it up in the game. When he saw the effect in game he had his roommate load up his game on his Mac (2019 iMac, I believe he said it was the "same as mine" but 2019 so I guess a 21.5 inch?, not positive) - and sure enough the effect was visible on television screens for him. It wasn't covering all/any reflective/shiny surfaces as it was in my own game, however. Instead, it was only on TV screens, like it was when the issue first appeared in my game. Anyways, I was thrilled in general that I happened to be connected with someone who not only knew computers well, but knew Macs well, and knew gaming well, and knew The Sims games well... I really didn't want to let him get away because I knew his knowledge would be super helpful/revealing for this issue. My only hope now is that perhaps he's an EA guru or something and maybe he'll stumble across this post.

Fallout 4 Shiny Textures

Now here's where it gets a bit confusing. When I was doing my testing, I went in game and looked for the major glitch issue - that is, the effect appearing on any/all reflective, glass, or shiny surfaces. I did not go through each and every object in the game to look to see if the effect appeared on those objects. While testing, if I did not see the graphic effect appear on the windows and appliances that were on the lot I was viewing, I considered that "no glitch" and kept moving through my CC folders. With that said, I later found a couple more pieces of CC that had the effect appear on them, without causing the effect to spread throughout the rest of the game and onto non-CC surfaces. Anyways, more on that in a minute.

So, listed below are the pieces of "problem" CC that I got pointed to by moving my CC into my game one subfolder at a time - these were the items that, when in my game, caused the graphic effect to spread to ALL shiny/reflective surfaces, including EA textures.

However, I noticed soon afterwards that the graphic glitch DID appear on a few objects alone, without spreading to other objects, textures, etc. The objects that displayed the graphic glitch but did not seem to spread it to other content were:

Please note that these objects previously worked totally fine in my game, and the graphic issue first started appearing on them when it spread to all appliances, shiny surfaces, etc. At that time, the graphic issue spread to not only these two objects but all similar objects in game, including EA ones. But now, for whatever reason, they retained the graphic glitch without causing it to spread to all other surfaces.

I guess I'll wrap up with a couple of my own unorganized thoughts about this... to me, it seems that at some point, something went wrong with how the game is coded to handle graphics on Mac. From what I can tell, from that point on the effect appeared only on certain pieces of CC, maybe these pieces of CC are particularly difficult to render graphically, who knows. But like I said before, the television screens all worked perfectly fine in my game for months, and the ONLY change I made to my game, computer, or settings around the time of seeing the effect appear on those televisions was the addition of the CC refrigerators by LittleDica. But even upon removing those refrigerators immediately, the effect remained on those TVs. Then suddenly, the effect began appearing on anything reflective/shiny, EA or otherwise. So to me, this error feels somehow progressive? I don't even know if that's possible - I know little-to-nothing about computers and graphics. All I can do is report what I've observed from my gameplay/testing. Right now, my game seems to be back at the point it was at around the time of the DU hotfixes/patches. The glitch isn't all over every surface, but it sometimes appears on a random piece of CC, and if I see it, I remove the CC to be safe. It's as if the game stopped being able to properly process the graphics of certain items after a patch, and then if I left too many of those items in my game, the effect spread and the game was unable to process any reflective/shiny textures at all. Again, not sure if this is possible, but that's what it feels like is happening, from a non-computer-savvy person.

thanks for the reply! sorry again for that long message. about my settings in-game - i've got everything set to the highest possible settings. Uncompressed sim textures is on, post processing effects are on, laptop mode off, retina display on, vertical sync on, and usually I play in fullscreen mode at the resolution setting that's around 4k (it's the first 4k listed resolution). That said, I've adjusted my graphics settings to all lower options, have adjusted the resolution settings as well, tried in windowed mode, etc.

After my uninstall/reinstall, I did a sort of backwards 50/50 again, and was pointed to the fridges and those TVs again. At that point (the date of my first post here), having those five objects in my game was causing the effect to spread to all textures in the game, including those EA windows. Once those five objects were out of my game, the effect was only visible on certain objects (the ones I listed later in my last post.

Ugh, I really hope we can figure out what the issue here is. EA, please help!! I want my Peacemaker CC back in my game! And of course LittleDica released another CC set today, and I'm guessing that stuff would show up with glitches in my game as well. I have no clue why. I really don't understand why the effect shows up on certain pieces and not others, and then why it suddenly jumps to all other textures, CC or EA.

I'm new to blender, so sorry if this seems like a rookie thing, but I can't seem to find a solution... A model I've been working on has an eyesore of a shine from certain angles that my specular map shouldn't be causing. I suspect it's an issue with the geometry and not the textures, but I don't really know how to diagnose it. I though it'd help to see what I'm dealing with, so I included an image and a gif below along with a link to a folder containing the files. Any help would be appreciated.

This changes the textures to be shiny, as pointed out by MercerLeonhart, this will make any of your standard vault suit textures and texture mods to become metallic and shiny. In a vanilla state, it will make your vault suit silver and metallic, but with a modded state will add the metal look to the current vault suit color of your choosing.

Hey guys, I just finished installing New Vegas using Qolore7's guide: I changed from the guide was replace SafeAutosave with CASM, installing Aptoms Legion Retextured instead of Legion Will Ryse and adding Less Empty Primm - A Primm Town Overhaul. None of these changes should affect my current problem. When I explored Goodsprings I discovered that the dirt surrounding the empty grave was shiny:

]# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.+Smashed Patch+Bashed Patch, 0+ILO Patches Merge+HUD + UI Merge+Bug Fixes + QOL Merge+Improved LOD Noise Texture+FNVLODGen Output+Much Needed LOD+Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD Mesh+LOD additions and improvements+Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla+FNVLODGen Resources+Robot Collision Sounds Removed+Human Collision Sounds Removed+Immersive Pickup Sounds FNV Edition+MTB - New Engine Sounds for Mobile Truck Base+Mojave Music Radio - Extended+All Weapon Sounds Overhaul+NV IFR ILOFIX+Interior Lighting Overhaul+(Original SIze) Consistent Pip-Boy Icons+Vault 22 Flora Overhaul+Unfriendlier Persuasions - Vanilla Quest revisited+Medical Clinic Expanded+Hope Ford and Cooper CCC Avatars+3dnpc+YUP - Autumn Leaves Patch+Autumn Leaves+Deimos+Mobile Truck Base+Less Empty Primm - A Primm Town Overhaul+Wasteland Loot (With New Locations)+NVInteriors Rewritten+NVInteriors Project+Afterschool Special+The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino+Someguy Series Tweaks+Russell+The Inheritance+New Vegas Bounties III+PM's Sweeter Revenge - Minimod+New Vegas Bounties II+New Vegas Bounties I+The Someguy Series+Scope Replacer Pack+Melee Reach Fixed+Cowboy Repeater without peep sight+B42 Weapon Inertia+Throwing melee weapon retexture+Combat knife Retexture for WMX+Cleaver Retexture for WMX+Hatchet retexture+Bowie and BloodNap knife retexture for WMX+WMX - Weapon Retexture Project compatibility v1.2.4+GRA WRP Unofficial Patch V2+Single Shotgun Re-Retexture+Bozar retexture+357 Revolver Re-Retextured+Weapon Retexture Project - WRP+Retextured FALLOUT Ordnance - RFO+YUP-WMX Patch+Mono's WMX Plugins+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX+YUP 10.4 - EVE - IMPACT - BLEED Compatiblity Patches+EVE - JIP Ash Pile Tweaks+EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements+Prerelease Restored+The Moon Comes Over The Tower - Restored+Uncut Wasteland+JSawyer Ultimate Edition - New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets+New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets+New Vegas Uncut 6 - If It Wasn't For Betsy Remastered+New Vegas Uncut 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7+More Cut Content Merged+JSawyer Ultimate Edition - Water Overhaul Patch+Water Overhaul+Rewarding Exploring - Unique Places for Unique Weapons+Economy Overhaul+The Living Desert+Limitless Stats+Stealth suit Mk II fix+Lonesome Road Flare Ammo+Take Chems Make Fiends+Ammo Crafting Schematics+Pip-Boys to the People+Gun Runners Actually Run Guns+Alternative Repairing+Ultimate Illness Mod+Karmic Balance - Karma Consequences+Follower Tweaks+Immersive Recoil 2.0+Enemy AI - Tactics - NPC Healing+Combat Enhancer+No More Trippin and Bear Traps+Distributed Necklaces and Chains with More Neck Seam Concealer Necklaces+YUP-Spice of Life Patch+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing+Burning Campfire HH Patch+Burning Campfire REDONE+Simple Street Lights Fix+Simple Street Lights V2+Mojave Raiders+Mojave Wildlife+VATS Alternative - A Comprehensive Bullet Time Mod+JSawyer Ultimate Edition Mojave Arsenal Patch+Mojave Arsenal+BLEED+Qolore Gameplay Tweaks+YUP - Gameplay Tweaks - JSawyer Ultimate Edition+JSawyer Ultimate Edition+ALR - Aptoms Legion Retextured+NCR Ultimate Overhaul - Vanilla Body Patch+NCR Ultimate Overhaul+Powder Is The New Black - Vanilla Body Patch+Powder Is The New Black+Greater Khans+Brotherhood Reforged+Boomers Go Boom+Interior Fog Remover+DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement+FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting+High Resolution Male Body Textures+Vanilla Underwear Replacer+Character Expansions Revised+Satellite World Map+Dynamic Pipboy Light+Pip-Boy 2501+Retextured Playing Cards+High-Resolution Bobby Pin Box+Mccarran Escalator Glass+Caravan Lunch - Fixed UV Map+High Resolution Iguana on a Stick+Pinyon Nuts Retexture+High Resolution Bulletin Board and Primm Flyers+Higher-Resolution Westside Craftsman Window+High Resolution Potato+High-Res Hula Girl Retex and Resource+Snowglobes Redone+High Res Vanilla Posters and Graffiti+Transparent Nuka Bottles+Tweaked Cashregister+Semitransparent Door Glass+Bighorner Ultra High Resolution Texture+Bighorner Model Variants+Securitrons in CRT+Wasteland Flora Overhaul+Pause Menu HD+Vanilla Loading Screens HD+High Res Turpentine+PM's HD Ammo Boxes+6IXES Clutter Texture Pack+HiRes Water Bottle Textures and Meshes+PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms+EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced+Improved Cyberdogs Textures+HiRes Skill Books Retexture+Magazine Redux+Collision Meshes - Hectrol Tumbleweed compatibility+Hectrol Tumbleweed Deluxe HighRes Retex+Minimod - High Resolution Newspapers+The Molerat Extravaganza - Molerat Retexture+Nightstalker Retexture+Healthier Yao Guai+Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK+FeralGhouls Hires retexture+Ghouls Hires retexture+Securitron Hires retexture+Improved Robots Textures+Super Mutants HD - 2k Retextures+Vault Suits Retextured+Metal Armors Metalized - 2K Metal Armor Re-textures+Shifting Shadows - 2k Assassin and Stealth Suit Retextures+The Gruntening - 2k Combat Armor Retextures+Hockey Mask - Retex+Book of Steel - Compatibility Edition+Bornagain Combat Armor+aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water+Fake Shadows on Ranger Helmet+Desert Ranger Combat Armor Re-Deserted - New Textures - OWRRP+Desert Ranger Armor Retexture for ADAM MODE+ADAM Reborn+Improved Rawhide Cowboy Hat Mesh+Wasteland Clothing HD+Mojave Sandy Desert+Collision Meshes - Textures Over Time compatibility+Textures Over Time+Audleys Misc Textures+MGs Neat Clutter Retextures+Collision Meshes - OJO BUENO compatibility+POCO BUENO Texture Pack+NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas+Stimpak Hotkey (JIP LN NVSE)+Hotkey Scroll Wheel (JIP LN NVSE)+Caravan Card Control+Faster Sleep Wait+Simple DLC Delay+JIP Companions Command and Control+Tutorial Killer+Universal Item Sorter+Better Pickup Prompt+Quest Item Hider+Keyboy 3.3+Loot Menu for FNV+MTUI+Traits Menu DarNified+Darnified UI Add-on - DT and DR+One HUD (oHUD) Darnified Patch+DarnUI+The Weapon Mod Menu+One HUD - oHUD+UIO - User Interface Organizer+Comprehensive Cleanup and Item Respawn+Swimming and Rebreather Restoration+HeroinZero's Weapon Fixes+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera+Placed Creature Corpses use Vanilla Skeletons+DiDisaan's Patch Emporium - YUP - Ragdolls+Ragdolls+Unnecessary Physics+Collision Meshes+Precision Collision - Clutter NV+Legion AI-Bark Fix+Fix Hit Lines+CASM with MCM+Pre-War Businesswear Fix+Mod Configuration Menu Matches the HUD Color+The Mod Configuration Menu+Unofficial Patch Plus+Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP+OneTweak for FNV+JIP LN NVSE Plugin+NVSE*DLC: CaravanPack*DLC: ClassicPack*DLC: DeadMoney*DLC: GunRunnersArsenal*DLC: HonestHearts*DLC: LonesomeRoad*DLC: MercenaryPack*DLC: OldWorldBlues*DLC: TribalPack 2ff7e9595c

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